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Showing posts from January, 2023

10 Recent Favourite Cafes in Chandigarh [That Open Before 9 AM :P]

Ah, I am so happy that I am finally sitting down to write this post for my blog. Collection or recommendation posts like these usually take some effort and curation and I wanted to put something which felt really close and personal.  But before we begin, a little backstory first. Coffee is something I have had a love-hate relationship with since the very beginning of me knowing about this source of caffeine or dopamine, if I may. But it was during my stay in Sydney as a student, that I first fell in love love with coffee. That whiff of coffee being roasted as you pass a cafe at 6 AM in the morning to reach your university, the sound of the Barista romanticizing and almost whispering something to the coffee machine in a language of its own, the smile from a person sitting across the table from you, waiting as eagerly for their coffee as you.  So, when I came to Chandigarh for my job, I was always on the lookout for new cafes to try, and I must say, the city has been pretty welcoming to

FIFA and Singapore’s Community Centers | A Rendezvous

My recent trip to Singapore coincided with one of the world’s greatest sporting and viewing events in history : the FIFA World Cup 2022. I am honestly, a relatively newer fan of the game, if I may, but however much of it I have followed since the last FIFA cup, I have thoroughly enjoyed. So this time around, I was determined to follow the games closely, and deepen my interest and knowledge of the game, which I successfully did to an extent and I am happy about that. But this random musing is about how much this game and sports in particular impacts people, their emotions, and evokes spirits of brotherhood [and sisterhood :P] amongst ardent followers. On the second day of my Singapore trip, while walking back from our visit to Burger King [P.S. one of the very few places in Singapore which serves vegetarian burgers], me and my dad heard loud cheers next to a lane, very close to our hotel. Curious, we straddled that path, the cheers getting louder by the second and guiding us to our dire

A Solo Reading Date Overlooking Chandigarh’s Winter | Ft. Curve Coffee Roasters

There are days when you want to just run away from work, however much you like whatever you do. Sometimes it’s the monotony, sometimes it’s the people, sometimes some toxic elements overpowering the good or sometimes, it’s just Friday :P Today was one such day. So I booked a cab to a new cafe I had recently discovered on Instagram, called the Curve Coffee Roasters. I was initially excited by the word ‘Roasters’, to be honest, since home grown or fresh roasted coffee has no comparison and I sometimes think, in this ever growing cafe or coffee culture fad, are we missing out on the real taste of it? Okay, let’s not be pessimistic in our very first blog and park that thought for another random musing post:) So I am here, and the moment you enter the cafe, a whiff of coffee beans hits you and some fifth sense of mine tells me I am at the right place. The staff cordially welcome me, the ambience is nice and warm, very homelike and still very artistic. I catch a seat overlooking the busy Sec