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10 Recent Favourite Cafes in Chandigarh [That Open Before 9 AM :P]

Ah, I am so happy that I am finally sitting down to write this post for my blog. Collection or recommendation posts like these usually take some effort and curation and I wanted to put something which felt really close and personal. 

But before we begin, a little backstory first. Coffee is something I have had a love-hate relationship with since the very beginning of me knowing about this source of caffeine or dopamine, if I may. But it was during my stay in Sydney as a student, that I first fell in love love with coffee. That whiff of coffee being roasted as you pass a cafe at 6 AM in the morning to reach your university, the sound of the Barista romanticizing and almost whispering something to the coffee machine in a language of its own, the smile from a person sitting across the table from you, waiting as eagerly for their coffee as you. 

So, when I came to Chandigarh for my job, I was always on the lookout for new cafes to try, and I must say, the city has been pretty welcoming to coffee connoisseurs, if I may. There is always some cafe or the other opening up, I always end up catching conversations on the taste and authenticity of coffee with some random stranger sitting in a cafe, sipping his cup of gold :P But one consistent feedback or perception I feel has developed over this time for the cafe’s in the tricity area is that they do not open up early enough to cater to the sunrise loving audience. I shall not lie when I say that this was a task tough for me as well to begin with, and it took some time and scouting effort for me, but I am very proud to finally jot down this list of my recent favourite cafes which open up early enough [Before 9 AM to be precise :P]. 

Disclaimer: There are still a lot of cafes on my ‘To Visit’ List, so this might not be the most comprehensive list, but I promise to come soon with a Part II very soon, and in the meanwhile, all suggestions and recommendations from my readers are welcome. So, without further ado, let’s get roasting [okay, I agree, this sounded better in my head lol]

1. Lykke

Highly recommend their Coconut Latte and Flat White, and a fresh butter croissant to go with your morning cuppa. The place is well known for its bakery and pizzas, but I am yet to try that and will keep you posted on how that goes. 

2. Curve Coffee Roasters

They roast their own coffee beans which renders a unique richness to their coffee. Have always recommended this one for not just its coffee, but also the vibe and ambience this place offers. Couple your cup of coffee with a fresh cross-bun and thank me later :P

3. Kali Coffee

This place is a classic and must be in every tricity’s coffee lovers list. Among other favourites, I recently tried their date walnut tea cake and their dark chocolate mocha, which I would highly recommend if you have a sweet tooth.

4. Victory Bombay Coffee & Co.

This one is a recent favourite. Absolutely love the vibe and coffee of the place, and it is a great place for all you work from home fanatics like myself. If you are in the mood for some food, do try their Paneer Tikka wrap to go with your favourite cup.

5. Third Wave Coffee

Another classic recommendation and I have absolutely loved their roasted hazelnut cappuccino and their cafe mocha. If you fancy, their mushroom cheese croissant is something I would highly recommend.

6. Tim Hortons

This one recently opened up in Chandigarh and I had to of-course test what the hype was all about. I must admit, I loved the diversity in their food menu and their flat white is a highly recommend.

7. Talez Cafe

Absolutely recommend their cafe mocha and cafe latte and would also suggest giving their avocado toast and veg quasedilla a try if you are in the mood for some Mexican.

8. Blue Tokai Coffee Roasters

This one is a national favourite, hence no further descriptions needed:) I personally loved their cafe in Mohali, the overall vibe and location just adds to the aura of the place.

9. Theobroma 

Another classic makes it to the list, but I adore their brownies, pineapple pastry, veg patty and of-course a hot cup of cappuccino.

10. Eli’s Bakehouse

Love their bakery, the cafe vibe and the latte alike!

P.S. : This list is no particular order when it comes to coffee favourites, hence feel free to experiment with as few or as many cafes and coffees.

Coffee Gods willing, I shall be back with another list next time, tied to a more niche theme maybe, but till then, take care and ciao:)
