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Being Human(e)


October was a tumultuous month: unexpectedly though, because this is usually the time things chill down at work, the festive cheer fills the air and the weather becomes a lot more comforting and inviting. 

But life had different plans:) With its usual streak of surprising you with situations you least expect, the month brought upon corporate re-shuffles (which mostly always destabilises things for a while), saddening sunset of friendships you had never imagined taking the course they did, difficult conversations with work peers, a constant demotivated outlook, an out of the blue medical emergency, my refrigerator getting fucked up one fine Monday. Not everything was saddening though: some good family time (a tad bit more than usual), some surprising wins at work, discovering a new park for my morning walks, cooking more often for myself.

Cutting short to the theme of this piece: when life stitches together a lot of difficult and tough situations within a narrow span of time, you usually question why things happened the way they did, why were you on the receiving end of hardships even though you were just out there in the world trying to be a good person for yourself and others, why does life and the Power above always try to pull you 10 steps back when you were progressing fairly evenly in proportion to the hard work and effort you were making at work and in your relationships?

Instead of posing multiple questions this time around, I asked my mother one straightforward question: How does one maintain a constant state of acceptance, even in the toughest of times, especially when you feel life is continuously trying to pull you down, situations happen without a logic, relations end without an answer, hard work and effort does not equate to the results?

Stroking my head slightly for always asking ‘heavy’ questions out of the blue, she asked me to accompany her for an evening walk in the park. At the onset, I happened to pick a small flower for photography, and she said something like this: “This flower you see, has a thousand different patterns squeezed within a small area of your two fingers. The best part? God blessed you to be born as a human to be able to sense and visualise this piece of nature’s creation which other living beings cannot even think of doing. You should always aim to pursue a constant state of happiness and gratefulness: pain and failures will only teach you lessons which will help you improve yourself, people will come and go in your lives to play specific roles, you will get to experience the joy of love and the sorrow of separation which other beings cannot. And keep in mind: everything, every situation and every person is transient: you are born a human for a finite, pre-determined period of time, so why spend most of it thinking about the fairness of things? But what you should think and act upon instead is being humane: be the best version of yourself, give without the expectation of receiving, let people flow in and out of your life per their destined timeline, stand for what’s right even if you have to weather the wrong for sometime, love without attachment and enjoy all emotions, negative or positive, because you are the only creation in this universe who has been blessed to experience it all. Be grateful for God’s timing: the incoming pain is a blessing to prepare you to enjoy the next upcoming joy in your life. So instead of overthinking, just be grateful that you are born a human with a discriminating sense of awareness to be a good one at that:)”

Suddenly, hope started gushing in ever so slightly, everything around seemed more calm and letting go felt easier. I guess, zooming out of your myopic life view, was all it took to realise the value of this magical blessing called ‘life’!
