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Same Places, Different Emotions


As simple and non-complicated it sounds, places, yes: non-living state of matter ‘places’, have the capability to evoke so many emotions.

This other day, I happened to accompany my mom to her college, where she has spent the last 30 years of her life imparting to students, what she knows best: Chemistry Lessons (joking, she is the best at everything:P).

The moment our car crossed the humongous, yet very beautifully maintained playground, I had a surprisingly quick flashback to the time me and my sister spent at the very same place 20 years back.

The same grass, the same trees, the same walls; albeit the grass a bit greener, the trees a bit taller and the walls more maintained and higher. But that was not the contrast I was more absorbed upon.

It was overwhelming to trickle in the realisation of how quickly we grew up ; from worrying about how to sneak in a 10 rupee crispie to buy our favourite notebook and a small bag of chips to share and ultimately fight upon, to now worrying about relationships, career fuck-ups, dishonest people, hidden motives, parents getting older, a constant feeling of helplessness being the overarching theme.

Before I could reach my usual loop of questioning the universe on the fairness of things and why things happen the way they do, my mom called upon me to help her with her bags.

Thankfully, life felt normal and positive again. But I have promised myself to visit the playground sometime again, this time for a longer duration:)

And when that happens, I have promised myself to not contrast my situation and go down a similar rabbit hole, but instead, fondly remember and cherish those small moments, sitting and lying at the very same ‘place’.

Because as Bryan Adams beautifully sang:
Oh, when I look back now, that summer seemed to last forever, and if I had the choice, yeah, I’d always wanna be there. Those were the best days of my life:)”
