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Showing posts from March, 2023

Questions as a Solo Woman Traveller

The past week, the world celebrated International Woman’s Day, and if I may say, celebrated with all the pomp and glory, and thanks to media companies, women-oriented brands and gifting enterprises, seemingly made the day even more commercial than each past year. An interjection here, before you think of me as a ‘woman’s day celebration’ phobic, I am all for celebrating days like these, even though the GenZ argument is that you should celebrate women each day and not just one. While that is true, celebrating days like these is an opportunity to spark debates, highlight issues and appreciate the achievements, amidst all the noise around. I translate this logic of mine to celebrating birthdays: however much adulting is tough and life brings on challenges as we grow, it is important to pause amidst the noise and celebrate your one day highlighting your existence, while at the same time, trying to celebrate small wins and moments the rest of the 364 days, it just helps you keep moving. Th